Made in Japan on Planet Earth |
About H. Noble and AtlansiaScopeBecause Atlansia's website is mostly in Japanese, this website ( is intended as an English language adjunct to the Japanese site. A Brief HistoryNobuaki Hayashi was born in Nagano Japan in 1943. By age 20 Mr. Hayashi was working for Matsumoku designing cabinets for Singer sewing machines. Matsumoku was a company that started making cabinets, but by the 1970's was building guitars, primarily as a supplier for Aria. By the mid 70's Matsumoku was building several guitar and bass brands, but their most coveted line was the Arai ProII. Up to that time, much of what was being produced in Japan was considered to be less expensive copies of American designs but Aria ProII was one of the brands that would would shatter that stereotype. Before long Japanese built guitars would rival that of the American built instruments. By the mid 70's Mr. Hayashi was a chief designer for Matsumoku and was involved in the development of many of the companies well known and sought after models. During this time Mr. Hayashi went under the pseudonym of H. Noble. Many of his designs had, "Designed & Approved by H. Noble" printed on the headstock. Models with his name are becoming increasingly collectable over time. By the early 1980's Mr. Hayashi emerged as the president of Altansia. In the years to follow he would design many unique guitars and basses. The earliest Atlansia branded designs date to 1982. Currently, the majority of the companies work comes from supplying guitar and bass necks to American guitar parts wholesalers. But H. Noble's passion is for artistic design and technical innovation. In addition to his unique designs, he holds patent for many original ideas. (See patent links) Over the years Noble has received countless accolades and has contacts throughout the guitar building industry in Japan and around the world. Atlansia is one of the world's premier boutique guitar and bass builders. ----- About this website: This site was designed and developed for Atlansia Instrumental Technology Ltd. of Nagano Japan. This site has no commercial affiliation with Atlansia. This site and it's contents have been collated independently of, but with the approval of, Altansia president N. Hayashi. Getting precise information about H.Noble and Atlansia is sometimes difficult.